Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Reflections on 2009

As 2009 is coming to a close, I am sitting here and reflecting on the year that has passed.
These last few days before the NEW year unfolds becomes very surreal as I slip away from time to time re-membering all the wonder-filled moments and experiences I have lived and all the beautiful people who I have shared this journey with. Yes, there were some challenges, working hard, not having enough time to do everything I wanted - but I KNOW I AM the creator of my life. I created this last year with my thoughts, desires, e-motions. I have learned what works for me - what brings me joy - what excites me and I will take this and create more of this for 2010. I may not exactly know how everything will turn out in 2010 - but somehow deep down in my being - I have faith and belief that it will be an exiting year - why? Because I AM the creator and I can create anything I want. All my deepest desires from my heart have been there forever and it is time to flourish and bloom and BE all that I came here to BE and DO. All the pain, sadness and hurt from years gone by are fading and I feel such a deep PEACE and JOY. A wonderful prayer I learned is the Ho'oponopono Prayer. Think of everyone on your path - family, friends co-workers and even people who have passed on. Think of one person at a time, place your hands on your heart and say "I am sorry, Please forgive me, I forgive you, I love you, I appreciate you". I was surprised to do this and feel like a million pounds was lifted from my shoulders.
We all do the best we can in life and there is no need to judge others or ourselves.
From deep within my soul and heart, I hear the clarion call and I respond.
I am ready to fly and soar and serve.
Welcome 2010. I am ready. I am love. I am peace. I am joy. I am..........

Saturday, October 10, 2009

I AM Grate-full

It is Thanksgiving weekend and I am sitting here and counting all my blessings. I am so thankful to be here on Planet Earth at this time. It is an exciting time - we are being prepared for lots of changes - and I am in the flow and ready for anything :)
I am grate-ful for my wonderful circle of friends. My heart is so open to each and everyone of them. Each so unique but so close to my heart.
I am grate-ful for all the laughter and dancing that I have been doing lately :)
I am grate-ful for all my students and clients. Even when I meet them for the first time, it is like I have known them for eternity and I am thankful for all the sharing, wisdom and ah ha moments.
I am grate-ful for my beautiful home, my adorable 3 cats, my family, my health and vitality, the work that I do and my abundance.
I am grate-ful for who I have become - even through all the trials, setbacks and challenges, I have so much appreciation for all the lessons and teachers in my life. It has made me who I AM ~ and I am grate-ful for the peace, joy, and love that is overflowing in my heart.

From my heart to yours ~ I send you magical blessings :)

**~**-:¦:-*~** -:¦:-*~** -:¦:-*~**

Angel of Gratitude
Today is time for thanks. Every day is a time for thanks. When we can appreciate the simplest of gifts even in times of confusion and hardships, then we move forward.
A soul that appreciates the gifts of living, the true gifts, will reap rewards from being grateful and appreciative. Prayers are heard and answered. Prayers of thanks are highly important. They work with the soul for the highest good. As with anything, simply acknowledge the opportunity to excperience the moment is of value. Be aware and respectful of all the gifts offered to us. The wise soul can look at all situations as a way for personal growth and advancement.
Those that suffer must know that the grief will pass and be replaced with invaluable insight and softer emotions.
Go all the way and you will find what you need. You will find what is always there: an infinite supply of love and energy. For God forsakes no one. Give thanks for today, give thanks for you. For without you, there would not be this moment now. As you know, there will always be you. Your soul will remain forever. Treat your soul right and start by thanking God for your unique being, beauty and potential.

Make it a habit to tell people THANK YOU. To express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return. Truly appreciate those around you, and you'll soon find many others around you. Truly appreciate life, and you'll find that you have more of it.
~ Ralph Marston ~

Sunday, August 30, 2009

In the Void I AM

"Just because I feel I am going nowhere doesn't mean I don't know where to go. Sometimes the smartest move I can make is no move at all. In time, I know I'll be on my true path once again".

I must admit, I am in the Void again. Seems to be a place I visit often - less often in the last few years I must say - but I am back.

I am 56 years old. I have been in the fashion industry - corporate world for 39 years. I am in my present company now for 17 years. Yes, everything I do, I stay a long time. Is this being committed or is it that I just like being in the "comfort zone"? My spiritual and healing journey began when I was a teenager in the late 60's. I always knew that I was "unique" and different and chose to take the path least travelled. This was my calling and I listened. I was always guided to the right teachers and healers at the right time. I knew that this was what I wanted to do also. My mission was clear ~ to serve, motivate and inspire others. I questioned alot where this came from as I had the most devestating fear of speaking in public and only overcame this in the last few years. So I began taking courses, workshops and retreats to heal myself. I went back to school , took courses and became certified in Holistic Therapies, Reiki, IET, shamanism, energetic healing, chinese medicine, accupressure, herbology and the list goes on. In 2004 I started teaching workshops to Adults, Teens and Kids and saw clients for one on one private sessions. I loved it. I was in my passion and joy. I bought a house in 2007 with the intention of having my practice in my basement. I was happy, creative, joyful, in the flow and trusting. I was working 7 days a week ! :) Five days at the corporate job and seeing clients and teaching workshops at night and on weekends. Oh oh, got a little burned out, so decided to take the summer off and rejuvenate, relax, take time for myself. I have en-joyed every moment of the summer....

But now it is September and I am wondering where I am going. I feel change in the air. New directions. I feel a tremendous opportunity is just around the corner, new doors opening, new adventures, new beginnings. I sense it all but it is not manifesting. So I am in the void. This made me feel uncomfortable all week. I was angry, I was sad, I was impatient. Then my little voice said "It is okay to be in the void."

On the medicine wheel at my shamanic retreat this summer, I was EAGLE. I have waited all my life to take wing, to be myself and speak my truth. It is time to go within and trust. My spirit is calling me to jump off the cliff. I am ready. I am excited. Okay, now my patience is back knowing that it is all worth it. I trust and I surrender. I am supported, I am guided, I am loved.

Stay tuned for the next exciting chapter.......

From my heart ~~ to yours, Karen

Allow spirit to step in, to hear its calm voice of reassurance and a gentle reminder that you are a child of the Creator, powerful beyond your imagining and you hold the key to creating a reality that reflects your greatness, divinity and the unconditional love that is your divine birthright if you will stand quietly in the space of 'not knowing' and wait for the voice of spirit to guide you.

The only way to get what you really want, is to know what you really want.
And the only way to know what you really want, is to know yourself.
And the only way to know yourself, is to be yourself.
And the only way to be yourself, is to listen to your heart.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Animal Lover I AM

I was just sitting here and thinking how happy my three cats make me. They entertain me, love me, make me laugh, they are cuddly and affectionate and just plain wonderful. God certainly knew what he was doing when he created animals. I would own dogs and other animals if I could, but with my busy lifestyle ~ three cats are easiest to take care of.
Apollo is 13 years old. Very affectionate and loving with me, but likes his own space and likes to be left alone. When people come over, he may hide and sleep the whole time or he may come out for a little while to check out the company. When Apollo's sister, Athena, died 2 years ago, we were devastated. I never imagined that I could feel so much grief and emptiness by losing my devoted companion.
After months of many friends offering me animals, I visited a friend who told me her neighbours cat had three kittens. I visited and fell in love with Oliver at one month old. I told the neighbour that I would be back in another month to pick him up. I did and there is no doubt that he was the one for me. He looks like a maine coon ~ very affectionate, loving, playful ~a total joie de vivre. Oliver, now at 2 years old is a Reiki Feline Master and my assistant :) Very interesting story. A few weeks after I had brought him home, I was giving a Reiki Level l workshop in my home. Oliver has always been a very playful, frisky and curious cat. The day of the workshop, he stayed in the circle and when I had finished giving the attunements to my students, we found him under one of the chairs - on his back, purring and totally zoned out. I must admit I was little worried, because he stayed in that position the rest of the day ~ this was not normal for Oliver. But the next day, he was back to his usual playful self. The same thing happened for Reiki Level ll, Advanced Reiki Training and Reiki Master. For all levels, I found him under a chair receiving the attunements. So of course, he has received his certificate for Reiki Feline Master. When I teach my other workshops or when I see clients for private healing sessions ~ he always knows what to do to make the person comfortable. He always sits at their feet or jumps on their lap and looks into their eyes. There is such a strong healing power that eminates from his cute little body. Everyone always says how extra wonderful they feel after a session or workshop. Oliver is my very special healing assistant.
I thought 2 cats were enough to handle, but one day, my friend who does cat and dog rescues, told me about Carly who needed a home after being abandoned and put out into the freezing cold in the winter months. After an examination by a vet and a bill of good health, I brought her home. It was a little touchy at first because Oliver and especially Apollo were not ready to accept anyone new in the house. It took awhile, many growls and hisses, but now there is contentment and harmony in the household. Carly has turned into a beautiful, affectionate cat. She has so much gratitude for her new home, her new loving family, nourishing food and a comfy bed (mine) to sleep in every night. After a few months of hiding when people came over, she is now greeting them at the door and also assisting in all the workshops and private sessions.
All this to say that I am very grateful for all the love that I receive from my companions. I also notice that they are so much my mirrors and teachers ~ with their independence, their attitude, their playfulness, their loving nature ~ they constantly teach me and remind me to live in the moment, go with the flow, to relax, to trust and surrender that all is well.

Friday, August 14, 2009

First Blog Ever

Hello Everyone
This is my first attempt to starting a BLOG so I welcome you.
It comes from my deep desire to reach out and touch everyone on the planet - of like-mind/like-heart. We are all ONE. All from the same source. All here to live life to the fullest. To live in the moment in joy, peace and harmony. We are all here to make a difference. All here to help Planet Earth and all people to evolve.
Love makes a difference. So let's start spreading loving-kindness to everyone we meet. One minute at a time, one smile at a time, one kind word at a time.
An attitude of gratitude opens new doors for even more blessings.
Wow - the world is filled with "infinite possibilities". Oh yeah !!!!!!
Check out my website at www.holistic-therapies.ca